1. Get acquainted with dinosaur facts - Download our factsheet for free here
2. Recommended Dinosaur books for pre-schoolers
Tatsuya Miyanishi’s Tyrannosaurus Series 宫西达也恐龙系列绘本 - Chinese version was among the top 20 best selling children’s books in mainland China
Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs
3. Watch Educational Videos or Sing-along Dinosaur themed songs
Let the dinosaurs race for their next meal!
1. Set up race tracks and place each dinosaur in lane
2. Create word cards and as your child picks up each card, let him move the respective dinosaur representing the letter a step forward.
3. Get your child to make the phonetically sound of each letter and make out the word he had picked!
Benefit:Literacy development
Learn about the different types of dinosaurs and how to sort them by their diet or number of legs.
Benefit: Boosts cognitive development
Let your child pretend to be a palaeontologist for a day and excavate dinosaur fossils. Talk about how dinosaurs went extinct and how scientists learn about dinosaurs through discovery of dinosaur fossils.
Benefits: Boost imagination, gross motor, language and exploratory development